
At Florida Southern College, the sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha are involved in many different aspects of campus life! 100% of our members are involved in organizations outside of ZTA, with _______ % being leadership positions. 

Organizations include:

Alpha Epsilon Delta
Association of Honors Students
Beta Beta Beta
Cat Club
Cheerleading Team
Delight Ministries
Delta Sigma Pi
Investment Club
Kappa Delta Pi 
Lambda Pi Eta
Middle Eastern and European Student Association
Omicron Delta Kappa
Orientation Leader
Phi Alpha Delta
Phi Kappa Phi
Phi Sigma Alpha
Photography Club
Rock Climbing Club
Sandwich Services
Snorkel Club
Southern Ambassador
Southern Select Leader
Spike ball Club
Student Government Association (SGA)
Student Nurses Association
The Southern - FSC Newspaper
Waterski Team
Wellness Center Employee

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